• cast_for_education IMT Program
  • local_hospital KIMS Alshifa
  • license Eligibility
  • psychology_alt Interview
  • handshake Counseling
  • groups Final List of Candidates
  • payments Admission and payment of fees
  • download Curriculum - KIMS Alshifa Gold Guide
  • contract_edit Examinations - MRCP (UK)
  • phone_enabled Further Information & Contact Details

IMT Program

KIMS ALSHIFA   Hospital is accredited for the Level 3 UK equivalent Internal Medicine Training (IMT) programme by the Federation of the Royal College of Physician UK. The purpose is to promote and ensure high quality physicianly education and programme quality.

Internal Medicine Training (IMT) is a three year post graduate medical educational and training programme following the same curriculum assessment and standards as that of UK.

  • Candidates undergoing IMT at KIMS Alshifa are considered equivalent to those completing the program in the UK at that level.
  • Upon successful completion, trainees will be able to compete with UK graduates to access higher speciality training in the UK for training programmes leading to CCT (including super specialities such as cardiology, nephrology, neurology, gastroenterology etc.)
  • In the three years of the training period, successful trainees will finish all three parts of the MRCP exam and hence will receive MRCP (UK).
  • Trainees successfully completing the programme with MRCP are exempted from PLAB towards GMC registration which is required to practice as a doctor in the UK.
  • KIMS Alshifa, Perithalmanna is a post-graduate medical institute with faculty having more than 14 years' experience of teaching MRCP aspirants and post-graduate medical students with a good track record.

The purpose of the Internal Medicine (IM) stage 1 curriculum is to produce doctors with the generic professional and clinical capabilities needed to manage patients presenting with a wide range of general medical symptoms and conditions. They will be entrusted to undertake the role of the medical registrar in NHS district general and teaching hospitals and qualified to apply for higher specialist training.

In brief, the model for physician training and the IM curriculum will:

  • Ensure trainee physicians can provide sate emergency and acute care during and on completion of their postgraduate training (as appropriate to their specialty)
  • Ensure that internal medicine doctors develop and demonstrate a range of essential capabilities for managing patients with both acute and long-term conditions
  • Ensure that trainee physicians can acquire and demonstrate all of the GMC mandated Generic Professional Capabilities (GPC’s) including communication skills
  • Allow flexibility between specialties through PCs and higher level learning outcomes
  • Further develop the attributes of professionalism, particularly recognition of the primacy of patient welfare that is required for safe and effective care of those with both acute and long-term conditions, and develop physicians who ensure patients views are central to all decision making
  • Provide the opportunity to develop leadership, team working and supervisory skills in order to deliver care in the setting of a contemporary multidisciplinary team and to work towards making independent clinical decisions with appropriate support
  • Provide doctors with a variety of hospital, community and academic workplace experience during their programme. All doctors will have the opportunity to build on community experience gained in foundation training and understand the interface with community care provision
  • Build on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that were acquired during undergraduate and foundation training
  • Ensure the flexibility to allow trainees to train in academic medicine alongside their acquisition of clinical and generic capabilities.

KIMS Alshifa

KIMS Alshifa Super Specialty Hospital is a consistently leading tertiary health care service provider in North Kerala for the past 36 years. The service of the institution is accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) and the Laboratory which is well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities is accredited by National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). The hospital showcases extensive facilities including more than 35 Specialty and Super-specialty departments.

Alshifa is a leading centre in terms of academics and research; having 27 years of experience as a post-graduate teaching institute and currently conducting post-graduate courses in six departments including Orthopaedics and Internal Medicine.

Along with Academic teaching, research work is also given its due importance. Alshifa also conducts research projects in collaboration with Alshifa College of Pharmacy, a Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) approved centre for research and National Institute of Ranking Framework (NIRF) first ranking premier institute. The research has also been successfully published in various national and international medical journals.


Candidates must hold an MBBS degree from one  of the recognized National or International Medical Institutions which are listed as per Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.Candidates must have completed the mandatory internship and after that have acquired permanent registration from the Medical Council of India (MCI) / NMC or State Medical Council (SMC)

Candidates will indicate their MCI registration status and provide their right to work in India.

Selection of candidates for the IMT program is based on the interview.

The Structure of the Interview

1. Portfolio station

In this station the candidate's application will be reviewed and all documents will be verified.   Marks for the other achievements will be awarded at this station.

2. Clinical scenario station

The candidate will be given a clinical scenario and will be asked questions related to this scenario.

3. Ethical and communication scenario station

This station deals the ethical issues and assess the communication skills of the candidates in a given scenario.

The candidates will have 5 minutes between each station and 10 minutes inside.  In those 5 minutes before the clinical and ethical stations (Station 2 & 3), candidate will have a Cue card to read that will cover the scenario candidate will face inside.  The entire process should take 45 minutes.

There will be two clinical interviewers who will assess different areas of your skills, knowledge,  and experience. So overall, the candidates will be assessed and scored by six different interviewers.

The maximum score available is 60 marks.

  • Portfolio station – 20 marks
  1. Additional PG qualification / MRCP (Part- I) / NEET Qlfn - 5 Marks
  2. National Prizes, Distinction, Scholarship etc - 5 Marks
  3. Presentations or Poster at National and International / regional meetings – 5 Marks
  4. Publications - PubMed, Pear reviewed, first author , co-author or others -   5 Marks
  • Clinical Scenario Station – 20 Marks
  1. Clinical discussion – diagnosis and differential diagnosis – 5 + 5 Marks (Two interviewers)
  2. Management – Investigation and treatment - 5 + 5 Marks
  • Ethical and Communication skill station – 20 marks
  1. Discussion of ethical issues - 5 + 5 Marks
  2. Communication skills – 5 + 5 Marks


All the candidates should attend the counseling session where the candidates suitability and commitment to the IMT program will be assessed.

Final List of Candidates

Final selected candidates and waiting list will be announced in the website.

Admission and payment of fees

The fees should be paid at the time of admission through online account transfer.

Fees structure

INR 15 Lakhs + GST (18%) per year
Lump sum payment (3 years together) with 5% discount.

Above fee excludes annual exam fee and e-portfolio membership fee


Monthly stipend of INR 50,000/- will be paid to the candidate throughout the course period of three years

Curriculum - KIMS Alshifa Gold Guide

Click Here to download KIMS Alshifa Gold Guide

Examinations - MRCP (UK)

The trainees have to undergo work place based assessments, Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and MRCP –UK examinations  during the IMT program.

Part  1

Part I is the first component of a sequence of assessment intended to match the progression of trainees undertaking the IMT programme.

The purpose of Part I is to test the knowledge and understanding of common and important disorders as well as clinical science.

About the exam

One day exam

Two three hour papers

100 multiple choice (best of five papers) paper

No images

Sat in exam hall or online

Part 2

The exam will test your ability to apply clinical understanding make clinical judgment and take responsibility for

Prioritising diagnostic or problem lists

Planning investigation

Selecting a plan for immediate management

Selecting a plan for long term management

Assessing prognosis

About the exam :

Two papers taken as one day

Paper last three hours

100 multiple choice questions (best of five ) per paper

Questions include imaging

Sat on a exam hall


The MRCP(UK) Part 2 Clinical Examination (Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills - PACES) is designed to test the clinical knowledge and skills of trainee doctors who hope to enter higher specialist training (ST3).

About the exam

There are five clinical stations where there are either patients with a given condition, or trained stand-ins (surrogates). At each station, there are two independent examiners who will observe and evaluate the candidates' performance.

  • Candidates can appear all parts of MRCP UK including PACES in different centers in India including KIMS HEALTH Trivandrum. 

Further Information & Contact Details

For further information on IMT programme by UK please visit https://www.jrcptb.org.uk/about-us/international-programme-accreditation

Mobile No. +91 9495001035